Walk fit will give you the knowledge and skills to improve your fitness by walking. And unleash the power of walking to unlock vitality, energy, and health. This skill covers the following walking area: Walk exercises–with suggested exercises to warm-up, cool down, indoor and outdoor walking exercises. Say or ask for: walk exercise, warm-up, cool down, indoor walking, outdoor walking. Guidelines- find out about steps for walking, what to eat to stay healthy, how to keep safe and the health benefits you’ll gain from walking.
Say or ask for guidelines, steps, food, hazards, benefits. Schedule–Tells you how to plan a walk.
Say or ask for: schedule, set schedule. Tips- Helpful tips for walking, having a mantra, getting answers to popular walking questions, equipment to use for walking, places to walk.
Say or ask for: tips, mantras, FAQs, places, equipment. Places- To make your walking interesting here are suggestions on places to walk
Say or ask for : places, places to walk. Equipment: using the right equipment can enhance your walking exercises, learn about walk aids. clothes, accessories and shoes.
Say or ask for: equipment, walk aids, clothes, accessories, shoes. Disclaimer: This skill provides information on the benefits of walking to improve your health. It does not provide medical advice and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. If you’ve any medical concerns, please seek advice from a medical professional about your health before undertaking any fitness exercises.