Take a break from your daily depressing flash briefing news and hear Alexa awkwardly read out loud Weird Al Yankovic's most recent tweets!
What happened is, this developer learned how to turn someones Twitter account into a Flash Briefing Alexa skill. I thought to myself, who on Twitter is most deserving of have their feed ported over to the Alexa platform? After not much thought at all, the answer was painfully obvious... everyone's favorite accordion player, Mr. Weird Al Yankovic!
That being said, the skill isn't really that impressive, in fact it's a little jenky. As it turns out, Alexa's voices reading hashtags and long links isn't really that enjoyable to listen to (and Mr. Yankovic loves using both of them frequently on his Twitter account). Be that as it may, who DOESN'T need a little Al in the morning mixed in with news of world domination, infectious diseases, celebrity breakups and cats?
Enjoy this skill for what it is, if you want to see the tweet that is being read you can click the "more info" link shown in your Alexa app. At that point, you will probably realize you could have just as easily just checked Al's twitter at https://twitter.com/alyankovic.
With that, please leave this skill a 5 star review in your Alexa app, and don't leave comments about "hearing Alexa read hashtags is just annoying, and makes me want to destroy my Dot". You will look like a tool, as we have already established that. 5 stars for this skill = one vote for Weird Al for president.