Each week social media author and strategist Phyllis Khare shares her thoughts about the current state of affairs in online marketing. Phyllis is the author of two comprehensive books on social media marketing: Social Media Marketing eLearning Kit for Dummies and was one of the original authors of Facebook Marketing All-In-One for Dummies (1st and 2nd Editions), both of these are being sold internationally. Along with Andrea Vahl, Phyllis has created an online learning center called Social Media Manager School, which opens up twice a year. Graduates of the School are available for work in the Social Media Managers Directory. She created TimeBliss.ME to help entrepreneurs and small business owners learn to be more productive and happy living a calendar-based life. And The Social Classroom is available if you need to create more reach with your online marketing. She was ranked #10 in “Top 10 Social Media Bloggers you must follow!” on SocialAppsHQ back in the day and consistently ranked in the top half of the Top Marketing Book Authors on Twitter.