This Alexa Skill tells you what's going on in the air right now. Ask "What's flying there?" and you'll get an answer to the question, which plane is closest to where you are. With "next plane" or "previous plane" you can switch between the planes in your area. To determine your position, the skill needs permission to read your address. Without this release the skill cannot work. Please check your address in the Alexa app to make sure you get the right information.
How does it work? The address can be used to find out your coordinates using the Google Geocoding API. With this data, the skill then asks ADSBExchange for flights in your area. ADSBExchange. com is a community of flight enthusiasts who collect and collate flight data with globally distributed recipients. For more information, see Without the great work of ADSBExchange this skill would not be possible. If you like this skill, support ADSBExchange by becoming a feeder. It's very simple.
Why doesn't the skill work for me? "What's flying there?" will tell you exactly where the problem is. But please remember, not all locations are equally well covered by ADSBExchange and there are also airplanes that do not send position information.
What can I ask, "What's flying there?" - "Where's the nearest plane?" - "Where's the nearest military aircraft?" - "Next plane." - "Previous flight." - "Help" - "Update Flights." - ...
Used services: - ADSBExchange from - Google Maps Geocoding API from
“Alexa ask What's flying there? for military flights”