This easy-to-play game is all about guessing the number Alexa has in her head. Alexa simple thinks of a number and you call out numbers to guess until you get the number she has. The fewer tries you take, the better. At the start, Alexa will ask you to pick a range. For easy, she picks a number between 1 and 50, Medium, a number between 1 and 100, and for hard, a number between 1 and 1000. When you pick the range, Alexa will tell you to start guessing. You simply start calling out the number, and Alexa will tell you if it's too high, or too low until you guess the right number.
Action: What You Say --------------------------------------------
To Launch: "Open what's my number" To pick a range: "Easy", "Medium" or "Hard" To Guess a number: Simply call out the number eg. "Ten" For Help: "Help" Your Scores "Scores" To stop playing: "Stop"