Have Alexa help you gain total control of your money! The YNAB Alexa Skill makes checking a category balance or recording new spending a breeze!
Never heard of YNAB? (Alexa pronounces it "Why Nab" and you should too.) It stands for You Need A Budget. It’s a powerful methodology coupled with award-winning software on the web, mobile, and now this companion Alexa Skill.
This is a companion skill for YNAB. It requires that you first set things up with YNAB at YouNeedABudget.com. Once you have have a YNAB account, have enabled the skill and linked your YNAB account, you are ready to budget like a pro.
To check a category balance: · “Alexa, ask Why Nab What’s the balance of Transportation?” · “Alexa, ask Why Nab for the balance of Eating Out” · “Alexa, ask Why Nab are we able to spend any money on Gifts?” · “Alexa, ask Why Nab how much cash do we have available to spend in our Gas category?”
To record new spending: · “Alexa, tell Why Nab to record a new transaction.” · “Alexa, tell Why Nab to log 25 dollars and 64 cents in Eating Out from Checking.” · “Alexa, tell Why Nab I just spent 9 dollars and 32 cents.” · “Alexa, tell Why Nab I just received 10 bucks.” · “Alexa, tell Why Nab I received 5 dollars yesterday.”
At any time you can say: · "I'm done" · "Help" · "Start over" · "Quit"
To get started, we'll ask you to securely sign in with your YNAB email and password and select a budget for Alexa to access. You can revoke this access at any time from the "My Account" page.
Disclaimer: This skill may not be suitable for all ages so parental discretion is advised.
“Alexa, tell Why Nab to record a new transaction for 9 dollars”