Let your kids enjoy listening to the most popular nursery rhymes of all times. A selection of most popular and melodious rhymes to keep your kids enthralled. Listening to these will help improve their imagination, concentration and focus.
HOW TO USE Before first use, enable the skill by pressing the Enable button in the Skill Store, then say "Alexa, open Yo Rhymes" to begin. To finish, say "Alexa, stop".
Got a distraction or need a break? No problem. Simply say 'Alexa, Pause' and resume listening to the playlist when you return by saying 'Alexa, Resume'. To move to next or previous song, you can say 'Alexa, Next', or 'Alexa, Previous' .
List of Rhymes currently available: ------------------------------------------- 1. Baa Baa Black Sheep 2. Chubby Cheeks 3. Five Little Ducks 4. Goosey Goosey 5. Humpty Dumpty 6. Hickory Dickory Dock 7. Incy Wincy Spider 8. Johny Johny 9. Jack and Jill 10. London Bridge 11. Little Teapot 12. Mary had a little Lamb 13. Old MacDonald 14.One Two Buckle My Shoe 15. Rain Rain Go Away 16. Ring a Ring a roses 17. This is the way 18. The Grand 19. Three Blind Mice 20. Twinkle Twinkle
Every time you leave an encouraging review for this skill, you can request your favorite rhyme in comments and we would surely add to our playlist.