The comedy game to play with your friends where you take it in turns to try and make each other laugh.
This is a game for two or more players.
Alexa will give you a topic like Movie Titles. Each player takes it in turns to give a response to the topic. For movie titles you could give the response "Gone with the wind".
Alexa on hearing a response will add the phrase "In Your Pants" after it.
The next player then gives their response, Alexa adding "In Your Pants" after hearing that.
The players keep giving responses to Alexa until one of them is laughing so much that they cannot respond.
Example game:
Alexa : "Song Titles" Player 1 : "Great balls of fire" Alexa : "In Your Pants" Player 2 : "Hey Jude" Alexa : "In Your Pants" Player 1 : "Smells like teen spirit" Alexa : "In Your Pants"