Zorbees Kitchen gives you recipe suggestions based on the food you have in your kitchen. By telling us which ingredients you have in your kitchen or which ingredients you prefer to cook with we will suggest relevant & interesting recipes tailored to your ingredients and preferences, making your daily cooking routine pain-free. You can get straight into finding recipes or you can get signed up to get access to all the features we offer. Once signed in you get access to our full set of features:
- Manage the ingredients in your kitchen
- Specify your favourite foods or exclude ingredients you dislike from recipe suggestions
- Share your kitchen pal experience with everyone you live with by having all your ingredients synchronised for you
- Find relevant and interesting recipes to inspire your daily cooking
- Synchronised kitchen no matter where you sign-in Enjoy the same experience on your android and iOS devices. Install them by searching "zorbees kitchen". If you're away from your phone you can also continue your experience on our website https://zorbeeskitchen.com