
Alexa Skills
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Liste des Applications

Lean Green Veggies

Use Alexa for the Vegetable Conversion Chart weights and measurements. Open the Alexa skill by saying "Alexa, open lean green veggies" Ask Alexa the item (vegetable) and variety (raw, cooked frozen, …

Publisher: Stephen Category: Food & Drink
Alexa Skill Lean Green Veggies
Whose Turn

Next time you're trying to decide whose turn it is pick something or perform a task, just ask Alexa for help. For example, if you're trying to decide whose turn it is to pick a movie on movie night, …

Publisher: Stephen Category: Kids
Alexa Skill Whose Turn
Lean Green Veggies

Use Alexa for the Vegetable Conversion Chart weights and measurements. Open the Alexa skill by saying "Alexa, open lean green veggies" Ask Alexa the item (vegetable) and variety (raw, cooked frozen, …

Publisher: Stephen Category: Food & Drink
Alexa Skill Lean Green Veggies
Whose Turn

Next time you're trying to decide whose turn it is pick something or perform a task, just ask Alexa for help. For example, if you're trying to decide whose turn it is to pick a movie on movie night, …

Publisher: Stephen Category: Kids
Alexa Skill Whose Turn