Would you like to know how many parks are within a particular zip code in Anaheim? Just ask Anaheim Parks: - Alexa, ask Anaheim Parks, "How many parks are in 92801?"
Alright, you have the number of parks within your zipcode, but....are you trying to remember the names of said parks? Just ask Anaheim Parks: - Alexa, ask Anaheim Parks, "Which parks are in 92801?"
Phone number? Check: - Alexa, ask Anaheim Parks, "What is the phone number for Edison Park?"
Website URL? Check check (but see note below): - Alexa, ask Anaheim Parks, "What is the URL for Manzanita Park?"
Or are you wondering if you can play sports or walk a nature trail at a specific park? Check check check: - Alexa, ask Anaheim Parks, "What are the amenities at Oak Canyon Nature Center?"
Some things to note: - This skill utilizes the City of Anaheim Open Data API, so the information provided is as accurate and up-to-date as possible. - At present, it appears that the phone numbers for all the parks are the same (the Community Services Department number). However, the skill is written in such a way, so that, if the new number is accessible via the Open API, the skill response will provide the updated information. - If you ask for a park's URL, while the URL will be read back to you, you may want to view it on a display (Echo Show screen, Alexa mobile app, etc.). It's just easier.
If you have issues, questions, or comments, please email me at thisaaronmdev@gmail.com. I'll respond as soon as (or if) I'm able.
“Alexa, ask Anaheim Parks, how many parks are in 92801?”