You can get to know form which blood group you should receive or to which blood group you should donate your blood. If yo are in a need of any blood group you can just say tweet and the post will be twitted on your linked twitter account for a particular blood group . Use this skill in a Described format only
User:- Open Blood Donor Alexa:- Welcome, to Blood donor here you will get the facts regarding your blood group Please first select a Blood Group. If you are in a need of a blood then just say Twit and i will post it in your twitter account User:-a positive Alexa:-You Know 34% of people are A+, making it the second most common blood type. A+ platelets are always high in demand for patients undergoing chemotherapy. People having A+ can give red blood cells to other A+ and A B + recipients. Those with A+ can only receive red blood cells from A or O blood types if you are in a need of this blood group just say tweet and i will tweet it in your linked twitter account User:-Tweet Alexa:-Your Tweet for Blood Group has been posted on your Linked Twitter Account
“Alexa ask blood donor to tell me for ab negative blood group”