Contracted users can help Alexa learn new languages or better understand how people might make a request. Once you are hired with our partners, your recruitment instructions will have more specific information about the responses you will be asked to provide.
Getting started: 1. Say "Alexa, open Cleo Collect." (Pronounced: KLEE-oh Collect) 2. Alexa will describe how the skill works and provide any instruction for your specific collection. 3. Aim to speak as naturally as possible in your language. It's better to say something naturally than to translate. 4. To close Cleo Collect when you’re ready for a break, just say "Alexa, stop."
*Cleo Collect was developed by a team of linguists and data scientists who share a passion for languages and dialects from around the world. If you experience issues using the skill or would like to share feedback, please submit feedback through the Alexa app.