Guess Who is a fun game about guessing characters. Alexa will choose a character, and you must choose another one from those displayed on your device screen or on the panel you can see on the website PLAYGUESSWHO.COM. If your device doesn't have a screen, go to PLAYGUESSWHO.COM and play by clicking on the characters you want to hide, or click on the download button in the upper right corner of the website to print a game board on cardboard. From the website, you can also download and print cards of all the characters to choose from and not forget the character you choose at any time during the game. You and Alexa will take turns asking each other questions that can only be answered with yes or no. With the information you gather, you should be able to guess the opponent's character as soon as possible. Discover who Alexa's secret character is with your questions:
- Does he/she wear glasses?
- Does he have a beard?
- Does he have a mustache?
- Does he wear earrings?
- Is he a brunette?
- Does he have dark skin?
- Is he a girl?
- Does he wear a purple shirt?
- Does he have long hair? When you think you've figured out who Alexa's chosen character is, say:
- Is it Clara? Try to guess Alexa's character and be faster than her by asking the best questions!