During several nights, a town is haunted by Werewolves. The villagers must be brave and try to catch them all before it's too late and thus being able to avoid that the town loses its last villagers...
To enter a town and begin this interactive game, at least 4 players are needed. You must grab your mobile phones, go to HOMBRESLOBO.ES and enter the room indicated by Alexa with a specific username. The username must exist and be understandable by Alexa, since Alexa must be able to understand the name of the player you vote on you suspect is a Werewolf. Every turn you choose a culprit saying: "Alexa, it was Clara" or "Alexa, we blame Clara". The lynched player reveals his/her role and is out of the game.
When the game starts, pay attention to your screens because you are going to receive a CARD yo must CLICK to know if you are a VILLAGER, a POLICE OFFICER, or a WEREWOLF.
Every night, Alexa will tell you to sleep and you must close your eyes! Then The Werewolves will wake up to kill a villager by selecting the player's name on their screens (a form with multiple options to select will appear on the screen). When all the villagers wake up, Alexa will tell who is dead that night and will give you some time to think of who of you is a Werewolf. If the wolves kill the police officer, that night they will be arrested and the villagers will win the game.
Will villagers be able to find all The Werewolves before the last night? And the wolves,... will you be able to kill all the villagers without being captured?
Support, suggestions and error reports: hombresloboalexa@gmail.com
If at any time you want to quit the game, you can say something like "Alexa, end the game" or "Alexa, we want to stop playing".
“We are ready”
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