Starfish Food fetches internet results for your recipe searches powered by Bing search api, we troll through comprehensive list of website to get the best result for your recipe search and dynamically generate content from website text. We also email the final recipe you decide to cook to your Starfish email account. Also the skill is optimized for display so you get good visual display of what you are cooking. Here is how to use Starfish Food: 1. Register for a account. If you use any of our other actions then you don't need to register again. All our actions requires account linking
2. Link you Google home with your account, linking gets triggered when you try and enable the action. 3. Login to and subscribe for actions. If you have an active subscription then you don't need to subscribe again. That's it you are setup for Starfish Food. We always save your last search so you can come back to your last search at anytime. To access your last search use following commands: Ok Google, talk to Starfish Food to show ingredients If you want to jump to preparation method: Ok Google, talk to Starfish Food to show preparation