I’m Anne Bachrach and for over 20 years I’ve been best known as The Accountability Coach™.
Did you know that the #1 reason people don’t get what they want is lack of accountability? If you want to make more money and work less, accountability is for you.
Are you sick and tired of your business just making you sick and tired?
You know the drill. You invest a lot of time in building and growing your business. You make many personal sacrifices. You hope that the trade-off is more clients, more revenue, more progress toward your goals, and more prosperity so you can enjoy the business and life you truly want.
Good intentions don’t magically lead to good results. They are a start; however, they are unfortunately not enough. This is just the truth! Poor follow through takes a toll on virtually every aspect of our lives. It not only threatens our health, it also prevents us from achieving personal, financial, and career goals that are well within our reach. When you are held accountable to the activity required to achieve your goals, you will make more money, be able to work less, and enjoy even better work life balance. If this sounds at all like something you want, you are in the right place to accelerate your results!