You can now get Alexa to ask Voucher Bot for vouchers from thousands of shops and restaurants in the UK, helping you save money.
Alexa will show the vouchers on your devices screen or you can get the deals sent to your email address.
Account linking is required to get the the email. Voucher Bot only currently has the option to send emails to the email address that you use with your Amazon account. Please check your junk mail if you have not received the email after a few minutes.
Currently there are not that many restaurants on the skill but I will be adding more in the coming weeks/months and trying to get some exclusive deals.
I have added about 3,500 shops to the skill but Alexa does struggle to understand quite a few of the names so please be patient, she is still learning. Not all of the shops currently have vouchers so I may add the best offers or deals to the skill soon.
Try asking Voucher Bot for Waitrose voucher codes, or The Book People Vouchers.