Testing your memory regularly is a great way to keep your mind sharp. This skill is an amazing tool for children and adults alike. The review portion will give you 3 sets of letters with words that correspond to the letter. Once you have comfortably gone through the entire review you can test your skill by taking the test that will go through the entire alphabet and the corresponding words that you learned for the week. When you are in the review portion of the program please say "OK" between every 3 sets of letter to continue learning. When your done after a 3 letter spread say "NO" or "STOP" or you can say "TAKE TEST" if your ready to test your self for the week. It is usually good to do a wednesday test after using the program for the first 2 days of the week and then do a final test on friday to see the progess you have made. You can play this with your child and you can help them new words and you can test your memeory as well.