If your child can count to 25 and you've used MathHack's "Next Number" lesson to help them add one to any number, it's time to move on to adding single digit numbers to double digit numbers.
This means that even if your child isn't in kindergarten yet, but can count to 25 and has succesfully completed the Next Number skill by Brainpsray, they may be able to solve the "81 addition facts" 1st graders aim to achieve.
Bigger Number First teaches applies a somewhat new spin to the widespread strategy of adding the biggest (or larger) number first when adding two numbers. Students using this MathHack are instructed to make a fist with one hand say the larger number, then begin counting up from their using their other hand to add the smaller number.
The system, using the Brainspray's Alexa lesson, has taken a child just shy of four years old from being able to add two digits to being able to accurately complete all 81 math facts within three weeks of starting the program. Your child may take less time or more time, but they will have a tool that goes beyond rote memorization in their box of solutions needed to master some basic math skills way above schedule.
Toddlers and preschoolers can do amazing things with numbers and letters, given the right incentives. Now you can measure their progress two numbers at a time, while helping them master adding and comparing numbers. If your toddler or preschooler can count to 25 and add one digit, this lesson is for you.