Discordianism is a religion based on the worship of Eris, the goddess of chaos and discord. Is it a real religion? Is it a parody religion? Is it both? Is it neither? Is it both AND neither? Your guess is as good as mine.
Like many religions, Discordianism has a holy book. Rather than promising enlightenment or salvation, however, the Principia Discordia seeks to leave the reader more confused than they were before opening the book. This, of course, is totally in the spirit of Discordianism.
It does, however, have a few tenets and practices for its adherents, one of thich is a Discordian calendar. This calendar is divided into five months of 73 days each, and 73 weeks of five days each. (The number five is significant in Discordianism. To the best of my knowledge, however, the number "73" is not.) In addition there are holy days on the fifth and fiftieth of each month, and others scattered throughout the year, such as St. Tib's Day (which corresponds with our Leap Day), Mid-Year Day, and Jake Day, a day for pranking bureaucrats.
Just enable this skill, then ask Alexa, "tell Discordian Date to tell me today's date." Or Discordian date, or Erisian date. Alexa will respond and if the skill knows about a holy day associated with today, tell you about it. Future versions of the skill will hopefully be able to do dates other than today's.
Enjoy the Discordian Date skill. Hail Eris!
“Alexa, tell Discordian Date to give me the Erisian date for today”