It's not about what you achieve today, it's about where you'll be this time next year!
Join Alexa's crack hot team of of personal exercise instructors (Tony, Rita and Eddie to name a few) and improve your overall strength without the issues of pain, burnout and exhaustion that typical workouts produce. No stress, no after pain, no fear. Just good habit forming exercise.
Gradual workout is a slow paced incremental build up of four key strength building areas, pushups for your chest, situps for your abdominal muscles, squats for your quads and lunges for your knees and glutes. When launching the skill for the first time, you select a starting rep level and each day you will need to complete that many reps until a week has passed and your rep level will be increased by one. So if you start on a rep level of five, then this time next year you will be pumping out fifty-seven reps on a daily basis.
This skill will keep track of your rep level assuming you have been keeping with the daily routine. If you slip on the schedule then simply say "Alexa, reset my workout".
You can also go to to keep track of your reps.
At the end of each activity you will be asked if you have completed the reps, if you say yes then you move onto the next exercise, if you say no then you will get another thirty seconds to finish off your reps. The rep time is calculated using a centralized algorithm, so you may finish early or late depending on your pace.
Here are some things you can say to alexa during your workout:
"Alexa, turn off the music" (or turn on the music) : toggles the workout music on/off "Alexa, next": skip to the next workout (in case you finish early) "Alexa, reset my workout" : allows you to reset your number of reps (useful if you have missed a few weeks or decide to level yourself up) "Alexa, help" : gives a recap on how the skill works "Alexa, stop (cancel, exit)" : close the skill
Please provide feedback to or in the comments below.
Important information Health Don't attempt these exercises if you are not confident in your approach or have medical risks associated with strenuous physical activity. Please confirm with a relevant professional if you are not confident you can complete these exercises safely.
Privacy The Gradual Workout skill stores your initial rep level and the time when you set that rep level. It also stores whether you want music enabled or disabled. Data is not shared with any other party. The skill does not request or store any personally identifiable information.