Imagine that you have just seen an alarming news report of homeless rates in your area... so you pipe up and say, "Alexa, tell my member of congress that I'm concerned about homelessness!"
Alexa will then confirm she heard correctly and then post an anonymous concern about 'homelessness' to where an aggregated ranking of concerns is displayed for each congressional district. Members of Congress can access this page directly or access the concerns via an API (e.g.
When you first launch the skill you will be asked for your US State and congressional district number, this is saved so that that when you return you won't have to say it again. To set a new congressional district, simply disable and re-enable the skill. This skill doesn't require any personal information.
Since the concerns are made public, user generated concerns are not accepted. Please use this (growing) list of concerns:
affordable housing air force one alcohol abuse alternative energy animal rights armed teachers assaults on women bitcoin border security border wall bullying campaign finance candidate transparency capital gains tax capital punishment charter schools child abuse child labor childhood obesity china tariffs citizenship test climate change common core confederate flag corporate influence corporate mega mergers corporate tax corruption crime criminal justice criminal politicians criminal voting rights death penalty defense spending deporting criminal immigrants domestic jobs domestic surveillance drones drug abuse drug policy drug price regulation drug trafficking penalties dual citizenship economic equality economic stimulus ecosystem health education electoral college embryonic stem cell research equal pay equality estate tax euthanasia farm subsidies federal reserve first amendment flag burning foreign aid foreign assassination foreign elections foreign lobbying fracking freedom of expression gender identity gender workplace diversity gerrymandering gmo labels government mandates government pensions government spending green energy gun control gun liability hate crimes health care health care reform homelessness homelessness hunger illegal immigrant detainment illiteracy immigrant assimilation immigrant children immigrant laborers immigration immigration ban immigration healthcare income inequality ineffective government inequality labor unions lobbyists mandatory military service mandatory vaccinations marijuana medicaid medicaid work requirement medicare drug prices mental health military congressional approval military spending minimum voting age minimum wage moral decline nafta net neutrality north korea military strikes nuclear energy nulear weapons obamacare obesity offshore banking oil drilling old age pension online sales tax overpopulation overtime pay paid sick leave palm oil paris climate agreement patriot act pension reform planned parenthood funding plastic product ban poaching police body cameras police brutality political freedom poverty prison overcrowding property taxes public health public transportation racism religious freedom act right of foreigners to vote safe haven safe spaces sanctuary cities sea level rise separation of church and state shifting economy single-payer healthcare skilled immigrants social inequality social media regulation social security solitary confinement for juveniles space exploration sports betting student loans suicides sustainability tariffs taxes term limits terrorism torture trans-pacific partnership unemployment united nations universal basic income vaccines violence in schools voter fraud voting welfare welfare drug testing whistleblower protection women in combat
Feedback / suggestions to
--Privacy information-- No personal information is stored by this skill. The skill requests your self-asserted US State and congressional district to streamline subsequent usage.
“Alexa, tell my Member of Congress that I'm concerned about homelessness”