It is utilized by thousands of people as a diet regimen that aids the bodily systems to eliminate harmful toxins. The detox diet plan is in the first place developed based on the notion that toxins enter our body and build up once not flushed outside the system. It enters from the foods we eat, the water we drink, and even from the air we breathe. And if it builds up in a massive number, toxins can harm us. Symptoms like wrinkles, bloating, loss of energy, and cellulite will soon appear. The detox diet plan typically features two phases for the detoxification process to occur. The first phase is said to occur after the first three days of fasting. It is known by many detox experts as the monotrophic phase of the diet as the person involved in the plan only consume a single type of fruit with every meal. If you are preparing for your breakfast, for instance, you only need to choose a particular kind of fruit to consume and you are limited to only that. No more, no less. This also holds true as with your lunch and dinner. You might also be given a glass of fresh juice before you take your dinner meal. The information in this skill is provided for informational and educational purposes only. Learn About Affiliate Marketing Skill is part of's free informational network. For more content like this, visit :