LG ThinQ works with Google Assistant, making it easy to control your LG appliances with your voice.
It's always on - just ask for Home Monitoring, Remote Control and more. (Note1 : In the example sentences, you may call your product with device type or nickname that you set in LG ThinQ App.) [Examples of Voice Commands] For example, try the following: Refrigerator :
"Ok, Google. Turn on/off ice plus(Express Freeze)." Washer :
"Ok, Google. What is washer doing?"
"Ok, Google. Start/Stop the washer." Air Conditioner :
"Ok, Google. What temperature of air conditioner?"
"Ok, Google. Turn on/off air conditioner."
"Ok, Google. Set air conditioner temperature to 18 degrees."
"Ok, Google. Set air conditioner to cool."
"Ok, Google. Set air conditioner to high fan speed." (Note2 : If the oven is a dual type, you can use voice commands only for the lower part of oven.) For more information about the LG ThinQ action, please visit http://www.lg.com/us/support/works-with-google-alexa-voice-assistant If you have any questions about LG Appliances, please contact LG Support: https://www.lg.com/us/support/email-appointment