Toddlers and preschoolers can do amazing things with numbers and letters, given the right incentives. Now you can measure their progress two numbers at a time, while helping them master adding and comparing numbers. If your toddler or preschooler can count to ten, this skill is for you.
Every child is unique, but they all have to learn some of the same things to succeed.
Number monster is a skill you can try yourself and, if it's something you think might fit with your child, you can personalize in the following ways:
1. Chose the overall level of complexity. - for instance, just add 0 to the first nine digits
2. Choose an incentive (prize) for your child - One jelly bean - An apple - Using the iPad - A lollipop - Whatever else you want to offer!
3. Name the skill something your child will love - That's right, this can become your own skill, you can even have your child tell you what the name should be
To get started, go through the skill alone to determine if the sample monster is a good fit for your little one's current level and tastes. This will insure that a) the early counter is familiar with at least two of the five items in the review and b) that the default incentive in this version (a jelly bean) is something you have and am willing to give the child if they complete the review to your satisfaction. If it's not, just customize the incentive.
If you got something useful out the Number Monster, tell us in the review comments and, if you want, let us know what you would liked changed to better fit your child (number of questions, specific questions, prizes, etc.). We'll update the app for free and let you know when it's ready. It's that easy!
Have fun and keep feeding those monsters correct number! Yum!