Alexa is learning new languages, will you teach her yours? Join a community of thousands of multilingual speakers who are helping Alexa take on languages she doesn’t yet understand. With millions of phrases already collected across 150+ languages, Alexa is well on her way to becoming more fluent! What language do you want to teach with Cleo?
Just tell Alexa to open Cleo and she’ll ask you in English to speak phrases in your chosen language or dialect. Keep your language and translation skills fresh, make it interactive with family & friends, earn badges, climb the ranks, and earn Alexa super-user status as you help her absorb new languages!
Getting started: 1. Say “Alexa, open Cleo.” (Pronounced: KLEE-oh) 2. Alexa will describe how the skill works and ask you for the language you speak. Say the name of your language in English (e.g. “French”, “Mandarin”, “Hindi”). 3. Alexa will ask you to confirm the language and will move into the first learning round. 4. During each round, Alexa will ask you to say at least five things in your language. Wait for her to prompt you and then go ahead and respond in the language you specified. She may ask you to say something specific or to just say anything at all. The type of round will differ each time you play. 5. Aim to speak as naturally as possible in your language. It’s better to say something naturally than to translate. 6. To close Cleo during a learning round, just say “Alexa, stop.” 7. Want to see how you stack up against the competition? Just say, “Alexa, ask Cleo how am I doing?” Play Cleo often to earn badges and climb up the ranks!
Sample Interaction: User: Alexa open Cleo. Alexa: Welcome back! Would you like to continue teaching me French? User: Yes. Alexa: OK, think of a city where they speak French. Ask me for the weather there. User: Quel temps fait-il à Toulouse? Alexa: Ask me for the time. User: Quelle heure est-il? Alexa: Think of your favorite French song. Ask me to play it. User: Joue La Vie en Rose par Edith Piaf. Alexa: Think of an actor. Ask me when they were born. User: Quand est-ce que Jean Dujardin est né? Alexa: Think of a store where you shop. Ask me when it opens. User: À quelle heure est-ce que Carrefour ouvre? Alexa: Thanks! Would you like to do another round? User: Yes!
*Cleo was developed by a team of linguists and data scientists who share a passion for languages and dialects from around the world. If you experience issues using the skill or would like to share feedback, please submit feedback through the Alexa app.
“What is my rank this week?”
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languages :
en-AU en-CA en-GB en-IN en-US fr-CA fr-FR de-DE HIN it-IT JJP pt-BR es-ES es-MX es-US