Get the Top Headlines from Moz in your Flash Briefing each day!
This Skill will take the 2 or 3 most liked articles Moz's Twitter feed from the previous day. The headlines will be read in the flash briefing and links to the articles will be placed in your Alexa feed if you would like to read.
What is Moz? Moz is a software as a service (SaaS) company based in Seattle that sells inbound marketing and marketing analytics software subscriptions. It was founded by Rand Fishkin and Gillian Muessig in 2004 as a consulting firm and shifted to SEO software development in 2008. The company hosts a website that includes an online community of more than one million globally based digital marketers and marketing related tools.
Moz offers SEO tools that includes keyword research, link building, site audits, and page optimization insights in order to help companies to have a better view of the position they have on search engines and how to improve their ranking.
--excerpt from Wikipedia:
About The Developer: Chris Taylor is just an individual playing around with technology. Sometimes under the name DongleByte and sometimes under the name Lou Bagel. Here are some links to find out more or follow: Lou Bagel Website: Lou Bagel Twitter: DongleByte Twitter:
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Disclaimer: This Alexa Skill/Flash Briefing is in no way sponsored or endorsed by Moz, Twitter, or any other party. This skill merely reads tweets from Twitter accounts. Tweets from non-private accounts are public information (Twitter TOS: