This skill will attempt to find the three best headlines from The Onion to put in your flash briefing!
How are the headlines found? The headlines/articles are found from The Onion’s Twitter account (handle: @TheOnion URL: ). This allows us to easily find the most well received posts by sorting by likes.
When are the headlines from? The headlines are pulled from yesterday’s tweets. This allows time for the tweets to be read and liked by followers of @TheOnion. I could have it update multiple times a day but I feel like most people only use their flash briefing once a day (can give me feedback or shoot me a message using my links at bottom of description).
How can I find the full article? When you play your flash briefing your Alexa feed (found on your app or is populated with cards. You should see a card from this skill for each headline. Click the “read more” link on the card to be taken straight to the article for that headline.
Why this skill was created? I love The Onion. The stories are great and a lot of the time the headlines are enough for a laugh! Though I personally am not going to visit The Onion’s website daily, nor do I want to read every one of their Tweets as they tweet upwards of 50 times a day. I personally enjoy having the top headlines from yesterday added to my news feed in the morning!
About The Developer: Chris Taylor is just an individual playing around with technology. Sometimes under the name DongleByte and sometimes under the name Lou Bagel. Here are some links to find out more or follow: (feel free to send me a message on Twitter, I will respond!) Lou Bagel Website: Lou Bagel Twitter: DongleByte Twitter:
For more Alexa Skills from Lou Bagel / DongleByte visit:
Disclaimer: This Alexa Skill/Flash Briefing is in no way sponsored nor endorsed by The Onion or Twitter. This skill merely reads a tweet from the @TheOnion twitter account. Tweets from non-private accounts are public information (Twitter TOS:
Warning: The content of this flash briefing does not represent the views or beliefs of the developer. The content provided comes straight from The Onion’s Twitter account. The program attempts to filter explicit/sensitive language but the topics, viewpoints or beliefs could still be found offensive (if you don't have a sense of humor).
About The Onion: Website: Twitter: “The Onion is an American digital media company and news satire organization that publishes articles on international, national, and local news.” --Wikipedia: