With over 100,000 Skills available, it’s no wonder that Alexa users sometimes get confused about what phrases they should say to access the features of some of the Skills they use infrequently. Rather than create a list that may not be handy when you need it, What Should I Say lets you create a log of your favorite Skills and the phrases you commonly use with them. Then, you can always ask What Should I Say to list the phrases you use with any of the Skills you’ve logged.
Here’s an overview of how to use What Can I Say: 1. First, you’ll need to log one or more Skills by saying, “Alexa, log a Skill” for each Skill you wish to log. 2. Then you will want to log the phrases you commonly use for those Skills. To do that you’ll start your conversation by saying, “Alexa, log a phrase.” What Should I Say will help you log that phrase to the appropriate Skill.
Once you have logged Skills and their phrases you can: 1. Get a list of your Skills. Say, “Alexa, list my Skills.” 2. Get a list of your phrases for a logged Skill. Say, “Alexa, list my phrases.” You’ll be given a numbered list of the Skills you logged and then be asked to indicate which Skill to use. After you respond, you’ll hear a list of the phrases that you usually use with that Skill. 3. Delete a Skill with its phrases. Say, “Alexa, delete a Skill” and you will be given a list of your logged Skills from which to choose the Skill to delete. 4. Delete a phrase. Say, “Alexa, I want to delete a phrase” and you’ll be guided through the process. 5. Ask for “Help” should you need it.
What Should I Say is an easy way to keep track of the phrases you use with some of your favorite Amazon Alexa Skills. I hope you find it helpful!